About Wendee Nicole
Published Articles
Bohemian Adventures
Award-winning Writer
Specializing in Science, Environmental Health, Conservation, Sustainability, Wildlife, and Social Justice Issues

A man of sincerity is less interested
in defending the truth than in stating it clearly, for he thinks that if
the truth can be clearly seen it can very well take care of itself.
--Thomas Merton, No Man is an Island.
wendeenicole _AT_ gmail.com
Photos, Artwork, Design and Text Copyright (c)
Wendee Nicole (Holtcamp)
Put it before them briefly so they
will read it, clearly so they will appreciate it, picturesquely so they
will remember it, and above all, accurately so they will be guided by
its light.
Joseph Pulitzer
| Online Writing Course |
Science & Faith |
Redemption Song Foundation
- Redemption Song Foundation (RSF). 2014 to present, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization working in Uganda to provide education and community development for indigenous Batwa tribe members. For more information, visit our website or our RSF Facebook page.
My Latest Articles
- Madagascar's Plague: One Health Research Aims to Slow Its Spread. Feature article in Environmental Health Perspectives. Nov 2024.
- ASU making its mark across the universe News article for Arizona State University (ASU) News. Sep 2024.
- Empowering and Inspiring Student Tobacco Researchers Blog article for UCOP Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP). Nov 2024.
- An Ill Wind? Growing Recognition of Airborne Nano- and Microplastic Exposures. Feature article in Environmental Health Perspectives. April 2023. "From the top of Mount Everest to the bottom of the deepest ocean trenches, from remote wilderness areas3 to the open sea, microplastics (MPs) are, quite literally, everywhere."
- Our Blue Planet. Celebrating 50 Years of the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Feature in Defenders of Wildlife's Magazine. Winter 2022.
- Project SUN (Stop the Use of Nicotine). University of California Office of the President (UCOP) Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP). Nov 2022. Also read the Fact Sheet!
- Youth and Flavored Tobacco Products. University of California Office of the President (UCOP) Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP). Oct 2022. Also check out the One Pager!
- Beleaguered Belugas: Can Cook Inlet belugas come back from the brink? Feature in Defenders of Wildlife Magazine. Fall 2022 (Link opens full issue)
- Feature: Clear and Present Dangers: The Health Hazards of Volcanic Eruptions. Environmental Health Perspectives. Feb 2022. "On 22 May 2021, Mount Nyiragongo spewed ash, sulfurous gases, and fiery red lava, forcing thousands of people in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the city on the volcano, to flee for their lives...."
Battle for the Blue Bloods. "At the height of the full moon, during the highest tides of the lunar cycle, American horseshoe crabs rise from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean to spawn..."
Read about the illegal harvesting and questionable ethics behind harvesting horseshoe crabs for medical research, at the risk of a potential collapse of the Atlantic marine ecosystem. Defenders of Wildlife Magazine. Fall 2021.
It's Getting Hot In Here: How climate-change-related storms and fires are devastating wildlife and what we can do about it. Defenders of Wildlife Magazine. Summer 2021.
"The gigantic wall of flame engulfed massive pine and fir trees 'as if they were twigs in a bonfire,' wrote Peter Hess in Climate Abandoned. He described billowing clouds of smoke 10,000 feet high-so thick they blotted out the sun and turned day into night-and a sound 'like the whine of a jet engine at full throttle superimposed on the thunder of Niagara Falls.'"
- Put a Mask On It! Understanding how COVID spreads. Mar 29, 2021. A feature for the Science Philanthropy Alliance's COVID-19 Basic Science Prequels Project.
"The Skagit Valley Chorale 'exists to enrich the lives of all interested singers and concert audiences... expressing the human spirit through choral music.' By practicing for their performance at the upcoming Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, they hoped to spread joy through music. What they spread instead was [the coronavirus]..."
- In the face of a global pandemic, how can conservation efforts reduce the chance that poaching will spread disease? Ensia, University of MN Institute on the Environment. October 2020.
- Received the Mongabay Prize for Environmental Reporting, a 6-month Special Reporting Initiative grant to report on how tropical forest conservation and human livelihoods can coexist.
- Won the 2013 American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA) Award Best Science/Tech/Biz Mag article.
The judges wrote, "Wendee's Did Tap Water Kill Lou Gehrig is science writing as it should be: sharp, clear prose that builds into a great story about an intriguing, sophisticated topic. Wendee's story stood out in a large and unusually strong field this year."
- Q&A with Paul Epstein, author of Changing Planet, Planet Health, Harvard professor, at Climate Central. Praised by the book's co-author Dan Ferber as "The most probing, incisive, interview that either of us have done so far."
- "I just read Many Bayous, One River [Dec 2006 TX Parks & Wildlife Magazine].
Thank gosh we have writers like Wendee who have the history, the passion and the reporting and writing chops to take on a story like this. Kudos to her!!" --Tom Harvey, Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept
- I authored the AOL Travel Guide to Houston -- an online guide with the best attractions, hotels, restaurants, and more, as well as a history and overview of the Bayou City! (no byline). "I'm almost finished with the first sweep through your guide and it is awesome! Great style and by far the cleanest copy I've received yet." --Editor Craig Guillot
- I received 1st Place 2006 IRMA Award (International Regional Magazine Association) for Best Nature Feature, Save the Monkeyface, published in Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine, April 2005.
My Favorites!
- Articles produced under the Mongabay Prize for Environmental Reporting/Special Reporting Initiative:
- Pig Poop Power: Scaling up waste-to-energy technology could
transform the hog farming industry. Discover Magazine, Mar 2014.
- Think for Yourself: Critical thinking skills are more important than ever in today's information environment. Ensia.com. Spring 2013 online only.
- The Tiniest Catch Marine scientists are prowling the Bering Sea to learn how climate affects minute sea creatures and the lucrative fishery that depends on them. Nature. Nov 4, 2010. I also wrote 9 posts for Nature's Great Beyond blog when I was on the ship (that goes to the final one, with previous posts linked at the bottom).
Save the Birds - With Doppler Radar. The first article I wrote for the award-winning Pacific Standard (then Miller-McCune) magazine, Apr/May 2011.
Picked up in a blog post on the Knight Science Journalism Tracker: "Evocative, focused, surprising, and narratively pure." - Charlie Petit, KSJ blogger.
- Fighting
for the Firefox. Nepal's red panda is getting help from a small group of local forest guardians, but the highly endangered mammal still faces a troubled future as its habitat is lost to deforestation. National Wildlife Magazine. Feb/Mar 2009.
DIVING WITH SHARKS! In April 2008, Discovery Channel
sent me to Australia's Coral Sea with biologists and the Expedition Shark documentary crew. The first post, Fear, about our relationship with and to sharks, is one of my faves. The
rest are here.
- My 30 days of Consumer Celibacy.
Living Green dept. OnEarth Magazine, Summer 2007. I love this article, and check out the hilarious artwork on the PDF version!
- Back to Nature: What is it about simplicity and solitude that inspires writers? My New Mexico Adventures Featured in E the Environmental Magazine
Magazine Writing Class-- On Hold
Learn to write for magazines and get paid for it. Originally designed for students interested in writing 'green' - anything environment, science, outdoor travel, natural history - it can and has been modified by students interested in writing about health, parenting, spirituality/religion and other topics.
Want to Be a Writer?
Listen to me on the WildSide News Talk Radio.
Do What You Love!
I've been at this for more than 20 years, and I love nothing more than going on
adventures with scientists around
the world and writing about it for magazines. Whether you're an aspiring or professional
writer, the course materials will meet you where you are at.
If you're a professional writer and would like to write for more nature,
conservation, travel and outdoor markets, this course is for you.
If you enjoy nature, wildlife, and conservation; or if you like writing or
journaling and are considering a career in writing, you might be pleasantly
surprised to learn how easy it is to publish with the right guidance and
careful instruction.
Get More Information at the
Magazine Writing Bootcamp Page
THINK! Science & Faith Issues


LOGOS Communications
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- Nonprofit writing
Available for annual reports, newsletters, research,
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